Enjoy Your 5 A Day

Five A Day

Eat your 5 a day and keep disease at bay. In the UK the Government recommends we eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables for their health benefits. We know from cultures around the world who are the healthiest exceed this number. Some countries suggest 9 or more portions a day.

100 Years Ago

It’s what your ancestors were made from. Only 100 years ago we lived on predominantly plants, nuts, seeds and grains. We would have our Sunday roast and boil the bones up all week for stock.

Meat consumption has gone up nearly 500% with modern meat being a far cry from the organic meat that we would have as a real treat now and then. Meat was very expensive to produce.

Modern wheat and dairy have been tampered with and cause problems for many.

Processed For Profit Not Health

Processed convenience foods are also a staple nowadays, some can be useful but most are not as they are processed for shelf life and profits not health. Convenience foods like cut up fresh fruit or ready prepared salads are some of the best convenience options available.

Learning how to prepare simple meals means you can save money, you can make batches and freeze them so that you will have more healthier options to choose from. This will help you achieve any weight loss goals and benefit your health.

Fruits & Veg Feeds Cells & Helps Switch Of Cravings

Luckily fruits and vegetables can help us in so many ways as the micro-nutrients within them feed our cells and can switch of cravings. Not only are they nutrient dense they are calorie poor too.

What if you did a weekly plan of the foods you normally ate and spread the food over 9/10 days and filled any gaps with some plant based foods? Weight loss will be a natural side effect and you body will appreciate the health benefits of the added nutrient dense fuel.

Inspiration To Want To Eat Healthily

We aim to inspire you to ‘want to’ eat more healthily using the power of hypnosis and NLP along with repetition so that your brain gets used to the familiarity of knowing all about the particular benefits from plant based foods.

Even if you have a food phobia, we can help you overcome that too.

How Many Ways…

Inspiring you to prepare/buy your plant based foods in different ways than you may of considered before. Slicing, dicing, grating, steaming, roasting, fresh juicing, blending and sneaking a bit into other foods to be a filler or just to get it in there for the health benefits.

Week 2 Hypnosis Weight Loss Club

On week 2 we do an exercise which will help you to increase your desire to eat more of your chosen fruit /vegetable. Advertisers know how to influence the public to want to eat their produce. The top agencies send their people to many of the NLP Trainings our founder Debbie Williams has a assisted on over the last 20 plus years.


Challenge To Cancer Research?

If only Cancer Research would spend 5% of the monies they recieve producing regular adverts showing us how to prepare fresh fruits and vegetables in an interesting healthy way.Plus sharing the masses of information from huge population studies which show the foods that have a preventative effect.

Jamie Oliver

They could get Jamie Oliver to do some short recipes like the ones he did when he travelled the world looking at long lived peoples. He said again and again, they ate little meat and predominantly from the plant kingdom. (He may even do them for free). Cancer could be something we can conquer through education and dietary changes. The same changes will also reduce your risks for other diseases too.

Cancer Rate Was Only 3 In A 100, What’s Happened?

Did you know that only 100 years ago our cancer rate approx.  3 in a 100 now it’s 1 in 2? The first case of heart disease in the UK was reported in 1912. All modern diseases were reduced during the war when we went back to a plant based diet with organically grown food.

Eat a modern factory farmed chicken you may be absorbing the antibiotics given to it along with other growth promotors to ensure it’s oven ready in record time. Factory farmed produce has been shown to wipe out good bacteria in human intestines too. 50% Pharmaceuticals business comes from the farmers.

You Are What You Eat

Treat yourself to the very best you can afford and if you love meat have organic as it will be healthier. It will also have up to 16 times less pesticides in it as it takes 16lbs grain to get back 1lb beef.