

To be truly health we must have an understanding of what has changed over the last 100 years. When we have this knowledge, we can make more informed choices that suit us.

We believe when you focus on health as a goal then empowerment comes from within to support you doing the right thing. ( we may have to knock out some unhealthy parasitic beliefs that tell you you are not good enough first which we cover on week 3). As well as help you get over any food addictions.

If you plan to change your eating habits to 80-90% healthy then our system can process 10-20% recreational food. By recreational food we mean processed foods, also foods that should be downplayed in our life.

Set yourself some 5 minute goals to come and watch some of the videos here and on the links.

What’s Changed Then In The Last 100 Years?

Addicted To White Bread This Video Will Reduce Your Desire

If you can’t stop eating bread and want to be in control around bread, then this ”Overcome a Bread Addiction” video exercise below will help release the hold bread has on you allowing you to take back control.

If you have chocolate addiction my “Overcome A Chocolate Addiction” recording will help.

Sugar; As Addictive As Cocaine?

This video will make you think and help guide you to make healthier choices.

If you love sweet foods then have a look at the really sweet recipes on this page 

University Of California Study

A study published in the journal Obesity, took 43 children aged from 9 to 18 who were all obese and had at least one chronic disorder. They followed a plan which includes snacks and drinks but restricted sugar intake. The study was looking at the effect on metabolic syndrome, which is a cluster of conditions increasing the risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

The study at the San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital showed that sugar was not metabolically harmful because of its calories but because it is sugar. After only 9 days dramatic improvements of lowered blood pressure and cholesterol and improved overall health and liver function.