FREE Hypnosis Videos

Here are your free hypnosis videos. For best results bookmark this page and listen to at least one every day. If you think you can’t be hypnotised please scroll down to the last video as Debbie shares important information that will help you.

Free Short Weight Loss Hypnosis Trance

Free Pre-Op Gastric Band Hypnosis Trance

Debbie has worked with Paul McKenna for over 20 years now and she highly recommends Paul’s ”Hypnotic Gastric Band ” book as it has a CD and a DVD with it for a very reasonable price.

This short hypnosis is for post op and gets you to imagine how it feels after hypnotic surgery. Debbie has recorded a video review of Paul’s ”Hypnotic Gastric Band” click the highlighted link to find out more.

Free Stop Binge Eating Hypnosis Trance

If you binge eat, then the hypnosis weight loss club can really help you to break this destructive pattern of eating. We have loads of simple yet powerful strategies and systems to help.

We also have lots more help to stop binge eating on our blog under the “Binge Eating” Category.

Getting Mind Body & Spirit Onboard Hypnosis

Losing weight is the easy part. Staying at your ideal weight can be a challenge unless you get your mind, body and spirit working together to help you. Start programming your mind right now.

Overcoming Overwhelming Urges To Eat Hypnosis

Any addiction or should we say habit is plagued with urges to carry on doing the ‘habitual behaviour’. When you understand a strategy to really master these urges.

We teach all of this at the Hypnosis Weight Loss Club. Permanent weight loss will be the side effect of mastering your mind, releasing stresses and replacing triggers to eat when you are not really hungry with more empowering choices.

Hypnosis can make losing weight a much more pleasurable journey as it’s like constant advertising to the ‘driver’ part of your brain to help it to want to be lean, healthy and happy.

As you listen to hypnosis then stresses melt away as you allow yourself this time for you.

You Are Worth It!

We teach you how to feel good about you. We show you how to build your self esteem and belief in yourself which is essential for long term success in any field.

I Can’t Be Hypnotised

Many people believe they cannot be hypnotised. Hear Debbie explain that this is not the case and that we go in and out of trances throughout the day. Ever been on an overeating trance where you can’t stop?

We want to teach you better trances to go into to set you free from food controlling you, where you are in charge and in tune with your true needs.

Even More Free Hypnosis

Why not join us at a club or with a one to one ‘Lean 4 Life’ coach or even the online programme and make this next year your best year yet.


Our founder Debbie Williams has also trained or worked for;

Nokia Phones, St Luke’s Advertising Agency London, Big Lottery, Equity, NHS, Mohammed Al Fayed, Harrods Turkish Ambassador, Clothes Show Live, Spice Adventure Group, McKenna Breen.

Paul McKenna Training, Amway, Mums Night Out, Wilmot Dixon, Aero-Lisi, TWR, James Pearce & Sons Solicitors and many other Law firms.

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