Binge Eating

NLP & Hypnosis To Stop Binge Eating

Over 25 years ago when I first started to get serious about NLP, I understood it was a way to master your own mind and that you could model excellence from others to accelerate learning for new skill sets. But I had bulimia which really took itself to new heights after my lovely dad died. Anyway to cut a long story short, I kept asking what the answer was to free me from the binging

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Milk is good for you isn’t it?

Is milk from a cow healthy? Cows milk builds a calf at 60-70 pounds to become well over 1000lbs within 18 months, therefore it is already packed with some welly before man started messing around. Our milk consumption has increased dramatically over the last century and is no longer organic. To keep up with the demand we’ve taken a cow who before the war would produce 3 litres of milk a day to now producing up

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Artificial Sweeteners

The News On Artificial Sweeteners Research is finding that drinking lots of diet drinks sweetened with artificial low calorie sweeteners leads to numerous detrimental health issues along with weight gain and actually stimulating your appetite and more effective fat storage. Not what anyone who is trying to lose some weight needs at all ! Other links have been found to diabetes, arthritis, brain tumours, migraines & headaches, lymphoma, depression, chemical sensitivities, ADHD, alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, birth defects, chronic fatigue syndrome and

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Can Hypnosis Cure Binge Eating?

Can Hypnosis Cure My Binge Eating? A question asked in an email, or rather she said can hypnosis remove this issue. As you will see in my video it’s not quite as simple as that. It can be done and all cases are individual. It depends if you have a history of normal eating in your past. If you have, then good hypnotherapy and NLP can bring back those healthy strategies and help install them

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Binge Eating Caused By Diets Study Findings

Ancel Keys Study Result = Healthy Men Became Binge Eaters This is a really interesting study which has never been repeated as at an interview years later, the study leader Dr Keys stated it wouldn’t be allowed, in fact the American Psychological Association would forbid it as being “unethical, inhumane treatment of subjects” as it would be seen as too cruel and potentially life threatening. You will be surprised as you read on and hopefully

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